Sunday, June 12, 2016

Hurting you unintentionally is like stabbing you hundred times. <|3

When someone try to drag you down.
Just smile and walk away and pray to god.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Hi guys !
       Still active here !

Sunday, March 6, 2016

                   Hi Everyone!
           My blog is all about life experience, 
             if you guys love to share your life. 
          Then my blog is welcoming you to share 
    here at the same time have a chit-chat with others here!

      May everyone have a very blissful day everyone!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Happy Valentines Everyone may the present of Love be with you :*

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Christmas is LOVE

            Christmas is more than a word and we feel it just once a year,
People love to celebrate it with full pack of foods, but the most awaited is 
when all of our family will come home and celebrate
it together even there is just a little food in our tables.
                   One of our favorite holidays is Christmas,
We have time to bond with our family, say sorry for all
You’ve done wrong, Forget and forgive what had happen
in the past months, Christmas is all about Love.

Lights on, Music’s on, cold air and laughter’s echoes
in for sides of our houses are the signal that Christmas
 is starting and everyone is eating their foods. 
I have a beautiful family and I’m proud of that
even my families are not perfect but still they are the 
family that you will wish to be one. In Christmas, 
God and Love should be our center 
of the family to have a peace and good relationship to one another.